Thursday, January 31, 2008

We Bring You The Letter B

My first thought for the letter B was to choose our dog Bandit. She is a great companion - she loves to cuddle and gives great kisses. Bandit is a wonderful addition to our family. And she's always smiling.

I have also been very obsessed with making baby things lately. It must be because they are so small and come together quickly - baby things are fun to make. So between baby bibs and baby sweaters, I bring you my other B.

Baby bibs from the pattern in Bend the Rules Sewing.

A bunch of baby sweaters in different stages of development:


Carole Knits said...

Great B!

Anonymous said...

Bandit is too cute! As your baby bibs and sweaters. Great B entry.

Karen said...

Oh, you have all kinds of cute baby things in the works. I love the bibs!